• Sandi Dizdarević Assistant professor at the Faculty of Law and Security, University of Modern Sciences CKM Mostar
Keywords: migrants, terrorists, phases, radicalization, psychology


Review Paper

DOI: 10.37458/ssj.4.1.9

Migrant waves occurring at the beginning of this century reflect geopolitical processes in certain parts of the world. By running away from danger for the purpose of existential survival, scientific discourse presents a responsibility that rests on the fine line between rights and safety. On the one hand, the right of every individual or group to a life worthy of man, and on the other hand, for scientists, a new phenomenon that takes on elements of modified hybrid as well as military strategies in contemporary security challenges. The recent past teaches us that we must observe such phenomena also from a security perspective, dissecting them to the smallest detail to be able to provide scientific security answers. The phenomenon of migration contains psycho-security assumptions that terrorist groups can use with the aim of achieving terrorist goals and thus putting European security in question. The aim of the work is to identify the space for early radicalization within the migrant population due to their current psycho-social and physical vulnerability. The obtained results can contribute to the creation of a multidisciplinary approach in the early detection of individuals or groups that, by abusing the psycho-social and physical state of an individual within the migrant population, try to produce a potential terrorist. Such knowledge, through the interpreted results of the research, enables a proper assessment of the migrants themselves, and especially of the terrorists from the security aspect, and the team provides a contribution to the overall security environment of the migrants as well as the overall European security. The justification of such scientific discourses and works through the application of scientific methodology will contribute to the understanding of existing practice, the determination of possible shortcomings and the modification of existing models with the aim of increasing the level of safety.


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