Research Paper
DOI: 10.37458/ssj.4.2.11
The issues of illegal migration and asylum are extremely important for the countries of the European Union and the Western Balkans. Currently, we are facing new types of migration of people from countries such as Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Algeria, Egypt and others who illegally cross the borders of the Western Balkan countries on their way to the European Union. Is this path just a humane resettlement of the people? Or maybe it's part of a tactic that seeks to jeopardize Christian foundations. Demographics and biology are something that can be predicted and calculated. States have the same problems and challenges in the field of migration management and control especially in the fight against illegal migration through their territories. Border control is also linked to the problem of the efficiency of institutions and a single management system in the field of migration and asylum. The fundamental characteristic of countries in transition is the presence of various types of dysfunctional conflicts. The transition burdened with these conflicts leaves consequences for all generations. It is itself a great social change that encompasses all fields of life from the family to all other institutions in society. In such conditions, we also have corruption that develops as an infectious disease that does not stop in societies. The aim of this paper is to point out the problem of migration, especially illegal migration, which flourished a few years ago.
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