• Muzukhona Buthelezi Associate Professor at the University of South Africa (Unisa) in the College of Law, Department of Criminology and Security Science
Keywords: Unrests, Crime Prevention, Intelligence, Policing, Strategy


Research Paper

DOI: 10.37458/ssj.4.2.8

This article dealt with the implementation of ILP in the research area. If links such implementation or non-implementation to July 2021 unrests. These unrests started in KwaZulu-Natal and escalated to Gauteng. The research was based in the province of KwaZulu-Natal. The aim was to establish the implementation of ILP, and 8 participants were drawn between CIO and OPO stationed in four districts (Mkhanyakude, Zululand, uThukela and Amajuba). The participants included two former police officers (one former Commander of CI and a former Station Commander) who were used to validate information by active police officers. One District Commander was also interviewed. A qualitative research methodology was followed to conduct the research and a purposive method of data gathering was used targeting police officers who work in the crime intelligence unit and those who have authority over the operational members of the SAPS. They provided information that was used to determine the implementation of the ILP in crime prevention in the research area. The article found that this policing strategy has not been adopted in the research area. It also identified some challenges that make it hard for the implementation of the strategy as well as working relationship between CIO and OPO. The article is useful to police implementers to improve on the implementation of the strategy as well as assess the road that has been traveled in implementing ILP in preventing crime and unrest in the country.


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